The Carni40 plan is a 40-day program to help you reach optimal health and wellness. Whether you are beginning your journey to health, hit a plateau, or have gotten off track - this plan will kickstart your body and mind towards reaching your goals and living the life you have always wanted. 

There are four aspects of Carni40

  1. Meat - 40 days of carnivore diet 
  2. Movement - 40 minutes of movement four times a week 
  3. Mindfulness - 40 minutes of mindfulness a day
  4. Motivation - 40 minutes reading or listening to a book or podcast each day

It is important to make each aspect a priority. Reaching optimal health & wellness is more than watching what you eat.

You also need to:
  • Move your body
  • Pay attention to what’s going on in your mind
  • Stay motivated to keep going and remember why you started in the first place

As you move through the program, remember to take it one day at a time and know that you have a tribe of people to help you along the way. 

It's time to nourish your mind & body

You don’t have to wait for a specific start date, other people, or a New Year to begin the Carni40 adventure - you choose when you begin. You can also start small with a mini Carni40 and do a Carni20. Start with 20 days of a carnivore diet along with 20 minutes of movement, mindfulness, and motivation. 

However you choose...the important part, is that you chose to start!

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